Financial Wellness Resources

For Public Sector Agencies

In collaboration with the Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE), the National Association of State Treasurers' Foundation (NASTF), and funded by Wells Fargo, we have awarded a total of $1.4 million in grants to 24 local and state jurisdictions to establish or improve their financial wellness programs.

Financial Wellness Fact Sheets Demonstrate How 24 Public Sector Employers Have Implemented Programs to Improve the Financial Health of Employees


As many public sector employees face increased financial challenges amid the pandemic and high inflation, 24 public employers are using innovative approaches to improve the financial health of their workforce and families.


A collection of financial wellness resources, webinars, and links to support your organization's financial wellness program.

Six Financial Life Stages

Learn more about the six financial life stages and the reccomended financial wellness educational topics relevant to that stage. The six stages include:

  1. Preparing for the Workforce
  2. Starting a Career
  3. Career Building
  4. Mid-Career
  5. Pre-Retirement
  6. Retirement

The Promise of Financial Wellness: The Battle to Deliver

Summary of report exploring the trends driving financial wellness strategies as well as the objectives and core components of these solutions. The research is based on 25 in-depth interviews with a variety of financial wellness providers in the wealth management, defined contribution retirement plan, banking, healthcare, and employee benefits markets.

Other Resources


Panel Discussion: Public Sector Financial Wellness Programs in Action

Catch the recorded webinar highlighting three public agency's Financial Wellness programs. Speakers from each agency will discuss how the grant has helped start, grow, and enhance their employee financial wellness programs, as well as sharing the successes and challenges they have encountered. 

Magazine Articles

Additional Reading

Supporting Work Flexibility Helps Rural America Thrive 1 Million for Work Flexibility (1MFWF) - 04/15/2021

America Saves Week Digital Toolkit 2021 America Saves Week - 02/18/2021

Congratulations to the Grant Awardees

For more financial wellness tools visit:

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